FS Force 1 (for FS8 / FS9)
A trial version is available which allows you 10 free flight simulator sessions. After that time it will disable itself, and you will have to purchase the program to continue using it.
If you decide to purchase the program, you will receive a Registration Key (after your payment has been received) which you will use to activate the program.
Looking for version 2 for FSX? Click here.
Download Now (900 Kb, revision history)
Unzip the package into a temporary folder and double-click on the Setup program. The Setup Wizard will guide you through the rest of the steps.
After the Setup Wizard has completed, you can delete the files in the temporary folder.
Before you can begin using the program, there are a number of important configuration changes you need to make in FS Force, and in Microsoft Flight Simulator (MSFS). Read the "Getting Started" section in the documentation for more information.
MAR 13, 2012 | VERSION 1.08 |
- Fixed bug in Profile Manager.
OCT 19, 2011 | VERSION 1.07 |
- Minor changes to the activation process and setup program.
MAR 10, 2007 | VERSION 1.06 |
- FS Force no longer requires re-activation with each hardware change
APR 12, 2005 | VERSION 1.05 |
- Symptom : On some systems, MSFS would crash on exit.
- Cause : Aircraft that had a large number of UI variations were causing a buffer overflow in FS Force, which was trashing other parts of system memory. An example of this was the VIP aircraft distributed with Squawkbox 3, FSInn and others.
JAN 26, 2004 | VERSION 1.04 |
- In non-English versions of MSFS, FS Force was not detecting aircraft changes mid-flight. In some cases it was causing crashes.
- FS Force was not detecting the user aircraft if a flight was started from Explorer by double-clicking on a .FLT file.
- The middle group of keys (PageUp, PageDn, arrow keys ...) can now be programmed as trim commands.
JAN 21, 2004 | VERSION 1.03 |
- Activation Wizard was reporting a communication error (997)
- Profile Manager would crash if you loaded the Helicopter profile and selected the Ground Ops tab
- If during a flight you chose the "Select Profile" command, and pressed Ok with out changing the selection, it would display an error message saying you had not made a selection.
DEC 29, 2003 | VERSION 1.02 |
- The FS Force menu was not displaying in non-English versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator.
DEC 28, 2003 | VERSION 1.01 |
- Minor changes and bug fixes
DEC 25, 2003 | VERSION 1.00 |
- FS Force no longer attempts to make its own decision whether to use N1 or throttle position for detecting take-off mode. It will always use throttle position unless you place the flag "UseN1=1" in the appropriate profile section in the .cfg file.
- Hotkeys are now available for "Reload Profile" (Shift-O) and "Re-init FS Force" (Shift-I)
- All the ground op files have been renamed. Two new ones have been added.
DEC 13, 2003 | VERSION 0.56 |
- Put the trim window back the way it was.
- Run-up vibrations are now based on N1 if the aircraft has turbine engines, otherwise it uses joystick throttle position. In both cases, it uses 80% as the transition point.
DEC 6, 2003 | VERSION 0.55 |
- The Setup program has been rewritten. It is now more conventional : you unzip to a temporary folder and run the setup program, the setup program asks you where you want to install to, etc ...
- The "Always Use This Profile" check box is now on by default when user selects profile in FS
- Fixed bug which was causing a lone "=" to appear in the .cfg file. This was preventing the complete aircraft list from appearing in the Profile Manager.
- The Options page in Profile Manager now has an Apply / Discard button
- The Force Feedback Device listbox now does what it is supposed to do.
- The New Profile button has been changed to "New / Copy", meaning you can now create a new profile that is based on a copy of an existing one.
- Fixed bug whereby forces were being lost when you turned sound off. A side effect of the fix is that FS Force no longer attempts to detect when you are in slew mode. You will have to manually pause forces before entering slew mode.
- Modified program to alleviate the large FPS hit that was occurring on some systems in fullscreen mode. The fix involved changing the way the Trim Indicator window is shown and hidden. However a side effect of the fix is that there is now a very unpleasant flickering (at least on my system : Radeon 9800) when the trim window is shown and hidden. If that affects you, the only cure is to disable the trim window in the Profile Manager.
- Run-up vibrations now activate at 75% throttle rather than 85%. Future versions of FS Force will use N1 rather than throttle position for turbine aircraft.
NOV 27, 2003 | VERSION 0.500 |
- initial beta release
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