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Iris Yoke & Saitek Trim Wheel

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 6:14 am
by RMM
My Iris Yoke with default Light GA settings is crazy sensitive. Flying the A2A C172 for RW lessons preparation.
Any left or right roll at all immediately delivers an excessive bank. Level flight is a sideways roller coaster as there is too much play. Forces are too weak even at 80 to 90 knots.

I intend to increase the force load in the profile. Would appreciate suggestions for the Iris Yoke.

Also...Curious how to deal with the settings for trim. The manual is not so easy to understand. Concerned that I have some conflict.
I have the Kickstarter early model of Iris Yoke with built in Trim Button on the left handle. BUT I will exclusively using the Saitek Trim Wheel.

I am using P3Dv3 and have set up the devices without any apparent conflicts. Had some initial odd behaviour but now all devices function well.

My Settings are as follows:

Launch - .exe & .dll -- Auto Launch
Trim Indicator -- Checked Trim Click Amount = 100
(In Profile Editor - Trim is set to FSX) EDIT: Changed to FS Force after reading another post.

All settings are BLANK

Autopilot Follow -- Not checked
Aileron Remapping -- Checked Nullzone% = 1

Version =

Profile Editor - LIGHT GA
All at present are at default except TRIM is set to FSX EDIT: Changed to FS Force after reading another post.
I assume "Cornering Force" is a setting for TAXI only ?? Please confirm.

EDIT: Controller Assignment - TRIMWHEEL is now assigned to the Saitek Trim Wheel. Reverse box in NOT Checked. Will test and come back.


Re: Iris Yoke & Saitek Trim Wheel

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2017 3:15 am
by RussDirks
My Iris Yoke with default Light GA settings is crazy sensitive. Flying the A2A C172 for RW lessons preparation.
Any left or right roll at all immediately delivers an excessive bank.
The aileron remapping feature will increase aileron sensitivity by design. If you think it is too much, disable the feature. I seem to recall that A2A also has a similar feature as my aileron remapping, so it would make sense that combining the two would result in extra sensitivity.
I assume "Cornering Force" is a setting for TAXI only ?? Please confirm.

Iris Yoke Saitek Trim Wheel

Posted: Mon Sep 03, 2018 12:21 am
by Michaeltoiff
I had to check my pictures - Both my
67 high-top dash 1500 GT,& my early 68
1600 GT both have the trim.
I believe that most North American cars
came with it.

- Doug
