Joystick jumps while cruising in 747-400

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Joystick jumps while cruising in 747-400

Post by flowdrip » Fri Feb 20, 2004 1:51 pm

Hey Russ, just purchased FS Force this afternoon after my 10 flights were up, and I noticed a weird anomaly while flying a 747-400 in FS2002 Pro. At a straight and level flight, every once in a while my joystick JUMPS like the landing gear are retracting again. In a short flight, (approx. 150 nm) it will jump 3 or 4 times. Any idea why??

P.S. Great program!
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Post by RussDirks » Fri Feb 20, 2004 11:34 pm

On some systems FS Force is prone to do that, unfortunately. What is happening is that MSFS and FS Force are fighting for who gets to control the joystick, and you're feeling it as a slight jerk as they wrest control back and forth. I would recommend making sure your video drivers and sound card drivers are up-to-date. That often solves the problem.
Russel Dirks
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Post by flowdrip » Sat Feb 21, 2004 11:20 am

Will do. Again, great program!
Golf is God's way of telling you to screw work and go play!

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